Sunday, December 16, 2007


Recently, my book has been featured on Read/WriteWeb by Richard MacManus: This is of course very exciting as I've been getting continuous feedback from readers.

For the moment, I'd like to remain anonymous, although if you look hard enough, you'll probably find me (a careless mistake on my part in the book). I appreciate all your comments very much though!

One blogger mentioned that I did not incorporate broader conclusions that web designers could learn from, but I like to let others draw their own conclusions. Each person has a different interpretation and spelling everything out would only limit innovation.

I will hopefully have enough time soon to post new findings on this blog daily. Until then, have fun gaming, and please feel free to share any ideas here!


Jason D. Schwartz said...

I want to buy this book so I can read it. Can you set that up on lulu?j

Chun Xia said...

ha, I found you :-) it's hard to hide from the web.

thanks for the wonderful writing and making it for free.

For social apps and from culture perspectives, web as a social game probably is more appropriate than web as a platform.

Looking forward on more theory part of your research.